How many times have you caught yourself pulling out your credit card in order to purchase access to a membership site or simply to purchase a product online?
It’s probably happened more than you really want to admit, and that’s okay. I’m in the same boat, which is why I did some research in order to become the person accepting the credit card payments, versus always being the one giving them.
After months of research, I found out some truths that honestly I don’t think anyone is sharing in the marketplace, well at least not without requiring your first born child. Actually, you will probably receive the information in spurts yet will never take action with it because they make it feel practically impossible to set it up. So let’s jump right into the reason why you should definitely consider starting a membership site for your business.
A Membership Site Can Build Your Customer Base By Creating Enjoyable Accountability
Have you ever found it difficult to really organize all your customers and really communicate with them on a consistent basis? When building your brand on the internet you will have many different lead magnets in order to pull your perfect customer from the marketplace. You can literally generate leads from several different places which can cause an unorganized list. Yet if you consider starting a membership site as an initial bonus for your leads then you can organize them and have everyone that purchases a certain product in one location.
Once your customers are inside of your membership site you can now begin to cultivate the community that you desire. You can now begin to see the mindset of your target market. Having your own membership site takes product research to an entirely new level because now your customers feel like they are in a safe place to honestly tell you about how the product is helping them and what you can do to make the product or service more appealable.
Inside of your membership site community, you create a group of dynamic customers that truly love your products, services, coaching style etc. They become your first buyers when you launch new products. These are the people who receive the real discount when you are launching something new.
One of the most exciting benefits of having a membership site is that your customers will now share how accountable and experienced you are throughout the internet. Nothing beats third party reviews about your services. So when you provide an amazing community to your members, then they will tell everyone about it.
Leverage Your Knowledge In A Secure Place With Your Membership Site
How many times have you caught yourself surfing the internet just to see your own content blasted on another person’s site, without any recognition given to you? Hey, it happens to the best of us. I personally learn a lot from other marketers, yet I also learned how to quote a source in school.. so if I’m going to quote someone then I’m giving credit. Yet, that simply isn’t the way it always is on the internet. When you set up your membership site you can now keep your valuable content secure and selective. See you have gone through lots in order to understand your product or service, there is a reason you are the expert. Do you really want to just give it all away for free? Of course, you will have your lead magnet yet the rest is secure inside of your membership community.
Your membership site gives you a great way to implement internet marketing strategies. Now all you really have to do is create your squeeze page and lead magnet and send all your traffic to your membership site. (The one I use allows me to create a buyer’s only group on Facebook which brings lots of social sharing and 3rd party reviews along with it.)
Inside your community, you control the noise. For example, if you are in a Facebook group sharing value, and the person gets a notification about something else.. off they go. Yet if you simply let them know in the Facebook group that value is being shared in the membership site community at X time. Now you control all the noise while you are helping your customer reach their dreams. Now your brand is becoming even more reputable, basically, because your customer is actually seeing results because you have created a noise free environment to share the valuable information.
Boost Your Income With Your New Membership Site Today!
The main benefit of starting a membership site is the ability to create a consistent and reliable stream of income. As you bring your valuable content into one location and begin to nurture the community that you are creating , not only will people pay to join, yet they will continue to purchase whatever products you may introduce to them in the future.
So let’s say you have 50 paying members in your membership site, and you have a bi-monthly webinar for your members only that offers value that literally gives your members immediate results. Then you can take one of your affiliate tools and offer it to your members. They are your first row of buyers.
The really special thing about membership sites is that once you put in the work and set them up, some of them can simply run on their own, all you have to do is simply send traffic to them and continue to watch your income rise.
Ever heard that saying, “There are benefits to membership”, well it definitely applies here.
Why Most Will Not Start Their Membership Sites And Why You Should Now
Many will never take advantage of the benefits of having a membership site because they simply will not do their research and realize that it is not nearly as difficult as it appears. The reality is that there are many WordPress plugins that can create a membership site right from your blog or WordPress website. (Now personally I have tried and tried this technique over and over again and it actually is difficult if you do not understand WordPress inside and out.)
Others believe that the investment or price is simply too much. While it is true that many membership sites that are more plug and play platforms will cost you around $100 per month, there are other options for you. I personally prefer the plug and play platform and that is what I use for my membership sites.
Any worthy membership site is going to require an investment, rather you pay it monthly for the lifetime of the site, or just one time and have it set up is up to you. I personally prefer to pay once and then make my money back and allow the rest to simply remain profit until the internet crashes.
Which is why I’ve created a Fiverr offer where you can have all your content curated into a beautiful membership site for a one time fee. There are different levels from a DIY option to a completely delivered ready to market membership site.
Regardless of what you decide, realize, if you take the time to create content and release a membership site each quarter of the year, that you can create a nice marketing budget for yourself in no time.
Once you have your membership site up and running all you will have to do is send traffic to the site and welcome your new members into the door.
I look forward to seeing your membership site take over the internet over the next 12 months.