Why The Search For Single Mom Jobs Is Changing Daily
A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~ Tenneva Jordan
As we say good bye to 2014 the search for single mom jobs is becoming more and more difficult.
Why? Because there are not as many flexible jobs for single moms out there these days. See single mom jobs are not your average jobs, as single moms have different kinds of schedules. Ask me how I know!! lol.
See I actually searched for the best single mom jobs and really came up short.
And stay with me as I tell you why.
How To Determine If You’ve Chosen The Best Single Mom Jobs
I’ve been a single mom for 13 years, going on 14, and honestly I dreaded the J.O.B. which is why I’m currently a single mom business owner, yet more on that in a second. I remember having to leave my baby when she was 3 months to go back to a job. I worked 45-60 hours a week. As I missed what felt like a lifetime with my baby I immediately knew there had to be a way out of this circle of what felt like death to me. The only main issue was that I needed more money, and at the time, did not have a solution to making more money without putting in more time away from my baby.
Maybe you have felt the same way, as you search for single mom jobs you notice that another job will solve the issue of money… maybe!
It’s really all about adding up the numbers. You know that saying that the numbers don’t lie. So let’s run a few numbers. I’m going to base the numbers on the scenario where a single mom of 2 kids aged 7 and 13 works 40 hours at her first job making $15 per hour. She then picked up a second job working 20 hours a week making $9 an hour.
Now let’s look at the fact that there are 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Which gives us a total of 168 hours a week. Now let’s say the mom gets 6 hours of sleep per night.
(Most single moms know that I’m being nice with the 6 hours of sleep a night yet hey let’s just run the numbers.)
So at this point the mom is working for 60 hours a week, and sleeping for 42 hours which brings us to a total of 102 hours gone. Leaving the single mom with 66 hours left out of the week. How do the single mom jobs look at this point?
Now let’s subtract the amount of time it takes to cook meals and eat with the kids each day. See this is usually the only real family time a single mom gets in some cases with the kids. That’s 14 hours, leaving the single mom with 52 hours.
Stay with me.. I’m showing you how time can really get away from you, especially as a single mom.
Now with 7 and 13 year old children there tend to be extra-curricular activities like soccer, cheerleading, football, basketball, dance, you pick it.. smile. So let’s give those activities about 6 hours a week (3 hours for each child). (I know I’m being kind again..as my 7 year old has 5 hours of soccer a week alone and that is not even including my other child’s stuff, yet this is just an example) Leaving us with 46 hours left in the week.
Now keep in mind we have to include the commute to get to both jobs. I live in Atlanta and the commute is pretty much going to be, at minimum 30 minutes each direction. So that give us 1 hour commute for the first job and 1 hour for the second job, per day. (Let’s say the single mom only works 5 days a week) So that is 10 hours a week, leaving us with 36 hours.
Ok.. with 36 hours left.. some might say that is cool. Yet this is in single mom world.. and as single moms we are responsible for everything. Things like cleaning the house, washing clothes, shopping for the house, and .. and .. and.. you name it it has to be done! One of the many reasons a work at home jobs is always preferred.
So when do you get to spend time with your kids???
Ok.. what value do you place on spending time with the kids. I personally would pay $5000 per minute I spend with my daughters. I love them..I love watching them discover the world around them. I love teaching them BETTER ways to communicate and understand their emotions.
Just this past week because I let go of the search for through the single mom jobs I noticed my oldest daughter was obviously overwhelmed between her honors classes in school, Cheerleading and Choir. I could tell, as she started snapping on her little sister first thing in the morning. Now my opinion on that is if I wake up with a smile on my face with all I have to handle mentally.. then I know a 13 year old without a concern in the world can wake up with some sort of joy. See I spend lots of time with my daughter so I could tell when she became overwhelmed.
I watched her for about 5 days to see how she would handle it.. and I noticed nothing was changing.. she was talking.. or saying the right things, yet her actions did not line up with her words. So I pulled her aside on Sunday morning in her room. We talked about her words and her actions. I asked her questions, and she was stuck.. not knowing how to answer. I told her to get out her journal…which had to be dusted off.. smile. I told her it is time for a brain dump. Take a moment and relax and write down everything on your mind. Just get it on paper. I informed her that the journal entry was between her and God. I prayed over her and left her to write. When I went to check on her she was already 3 pages in.
Once she was finished she got to work on the school work that needed to be accomplished. She later told me she felt so clear after the brain dump activity. I felt joy.. as I didn’t learn about that until I was grown with kids.. smiling.
When was the last time you were able to really enjoy watching your kids GROW!
Back to our numbers..
So you have 36 hours left at the end of a week, and you made $780 (before taxes) that week.
Now you tell me does it seem fair?
My response was NO.
See the single mom jobs pretty much will take you away from your kids. It’s like jumping on a merry-go-round that never stops.
Let’s not even forget to mention that when you get a part time job single moms that you are now exchanging time for money.. so basically that $780 was exchanged for the 60 hours of your life that week that you gave away.
The Solution For Single Mom Jobs That Give Back Time And Money
Look.. I’m first going to give you the solution and then I’m going to tell you the first steps. It’s really up to you how badly you desire that life where you put time into building something that can explode right before your eyes into a lifestyle where you can have all the time in the world. Plus the vacations you will now be able to afford because you put time into something of your own. Yet let me tell you what I see to be the best part.. when I’m long gone from this world, I am building something that I can leave to my children and grand babies.
So the solution is start your own business. Single moms are doing it every single day and having success. Yet understand me there are several that are trying and failing every day as well. Trust me when I tell you this is not about going after a get rich quick scheme. This is about a get rich quick because you now have an understanding of business.
So before we start the solution to the single mom jobs please only continue reading if you have a computer, internet, and $44.95 (to start and grow slow) or $144.95 (to start and grow fast). YES you will need these three things.. no excuses.. I mean you didn’t have excuses when you jumped on that merry-go-round earlier. This is not a work at home job, it’s a work at home business.. so get ready to enjoy every second. Oh.. and follow directions.. one thing that causes single moms to fail is when they do not follow directions.. so follow them.. I got you.. smile.
The Steps To Follow In Order!
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Keep Smiling,
Shalonda Gordon
Check out the Stay At Home Single Moms Club Here.
You ALWAYS come with such incredible value Shalonda!! I was especially with you on the “brain dump” activity! The way you break down the simple steps of starting your own business is on point! Looks like a worthy investment for a better future to me! Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks Chris keep smiling
Always Great content Shalonda! i know this content is for moms but the dads out there could take advantage of this info as well 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
You are right about that.. Dad’s can take this information and make a change as well.. Yet you know I can only really speak from the perspective of a Mom.. lol.. keep smiling
You share interesting things here.
Thanks Mohammed.. keep smiling