Blogging isn’t about publishing as much as you can. It’s about publishing as smart as you can.” ~ Jon Morrow
How To Blog Is Not The Question…
How many times have you heard someone ask the question about how to blog in this crazy internet world.. Where no matter what.. Content is king!
Honestly when I first started blogging back in late 2008.. I had no idea what would come of it. I simply knew that EVERYONE who was having success was a blogger in some shape form or fashion.
I knew my success would depend on rather I excelled at blogging.
See I used to ask many about how to blog so that I would get the results I desired.. yet was I asking the wrong question..
The Right Question To Ask On How To Blog For Income Is….
Ok.. the best way to explain how a question can be the wrong one is for me to to tell you this story.
There was an Intercessor in Wales, named Rees Howells, in the early 20th century.
Another name for an Intercessors is a Prayer Warrior.
God gave Rees a challenge that seemed obscure. He was to pray for the son of a benefactor who had gone off to war and fallen away from God.
Rees accepted the challenge agreeing to pray that the young officer would not return to the front without returning to God.
(Now we already know that when God challenges us to pray for a soul that has fallen away from him.. that the ultimate goal is that the soul return home).
Rees would work in the coal mines from 7am – 4:30pm, six days a week.
He would then come home, eat dinner, and go to his room and spend from 6pm to 9pm on his knees before the Lord reading his Bible and praying for the young man.
He did this for six months.
In that time the young officer was discharged from the army and moved to Canada, never returning to the front, but also not yet returning to God.
Rees believed he had accomplished the challenge and reported that the work had been done in the spirit.
It took 12 years before the young officer turned his life back over to God.
Now even though the young man did not go back to the front lines and discharged in that 6 month period.. the ultimate goal of salvation was not realized for 12 years.
Is it possible that Rees was focused on the wrong thing.. or maybe simply didn’t focus on EVERYTHING.
Just like when we ask how to blog and we get all the steps needed to actually become a blogger.. yet we never ask the question of..
How To Blog In The TOP 5% So We Can Have Insane Success
Now your like.. Shalonda.. give me the info to show me what blogging in the top 5% looks like..
Ok.. Ok..
Here you go.. I put together Part 1 of this information.
Take Away:
1. When asking a question.. make sure that you are asking the RIGHT question.
2. Learned the FIRST 4 steps on How To Blog in the TOP 5%.
1. Study the first 4 items and measure yourself against the data.
2. Write a blog about your results. (Need a blog.. no problem Click Here)
3. Use all the steps given in this Blogging 101 Training in order to rank on the first page of Google (Click Red Button Below)
4. Comment below if you are hungry for Part 2!!
Keep Smiling,
Shalonda Gordon
Love the info graphic Shalonda. If I’m going to blog, why not be in the top 5%
Thanks Janet.. I created that one all by myself.. I’m so proud right now.. keep smiling
Um… Shalonda… You need to hurry up because I’m STARVING for part 2. I’m very interest in seeing how other bloggers create and publish content smarter not working harder.
It’s coming very very soon.. keep smiling
I read a lot of interesting posts here, you spend a lot of time writing creative and unique articles.
Thanks so much Denise..keep smiling
Part 2 please… thank you! 🙂
ROFL.. Here you go Ken!! keep smiling