Walmart Layaway Is In Full Swing..
If your life is anything like mines.. with 2 girls.. well quite a bit of money.
See between traveling for Thanksgiving to hang out with friends and family.. to my mother’s birthday.. to my oldest daughters birthday.. and then we can’t forget Christmas.. and POW.. it’s the New Year.. and then My Birthday 10 days later.. (all gifts accepted)!
Considering I’m full time in my business.. I had to change how I did things.. and I created a very concrete way to save lots of money and still make everyone happy during this time of the year.. and my primary source is…. wait for it… wait for it…
Yes.. Walmart Layaway… and it’s already on and poppin!
Yep.. you are covered to start your Walmart Layaways right now.. as it opened up on September 14, 2014. Yet don’t shop yet!! I told you I have a concrete plan for you.. And effective plan that will have you looking like a Rock Star on Christmas morning.. smile.
One thing I love about Walmart’s Layaway Plan is that it is FREE to use.. can’t beat that with a stick.
The Walmart Layaway Process That The Professionals Use Is Now Yours!
First simply get all of your list together.. get the kids to get the list to you before November 15, 2014. Why? Well you have to have time to price shop. Yes price shop.. I’ve been able to take proof of cheaper prices to my Walmart Layaway department and get the lower price.. yet that may not matter.. and honestly it only really mattered when I forgot to purchase a certain item on the list.. smile. So continue to pay close attention…
Ok.. so why price check.. the reason why I do it is probably not what you think..
I enjoy seeing all the savings that I’ve received because I PLANNED the process. How many times have you gone through life without a plan? Ok enough said.. you know how that turns out..
Now the next step is schedule the day that you will place your items on Walmart Layaway! Now realize that you may not like what I’m about to say.. yet if you have prepared well, it does not have to be CRAZY!
The day you will shop is on Black Friday!! Yes, November 28, 2014!! Why?? Because the sales ROCK.. and you will get amazing discounts! Before you ask.. let me just go ahead and answer the question of “Can I do layaway online?’ Well you can not do Walmart Layaway online, so you will want to plan to enjoy all the friendly people out and about on Black Friday.. You can do it.. keep reading and you can even get paid while you shop.. yet you have to keep reading for that info..
Step By Step Way To Handle Walmart Layaway Like A Rock Star! Follow Each Step And Have Fun!
The Steps!
- Gather the Christmas List Of Items to Purchase
- Price the Items From 3 Different Stores – you are looking for the lowest prices (keep proof of these prices)
- Prepare to set up your Walmart Layaway on November 28, 2014 – (prepare to put down $10 or 10% whichever is greater)
- Shop at Walmart on Black Friday and place all the goodies on Layaway at the great prices – set up Layaway.
- Make it a Priority to Pay On The Layaway Every Week. Yes Every Week. It can be as low as putting $20 on it or place $75, just make it every week.
- Relieve yourself of the stress of purchasing everything at full price at the last minute.
- Enjoy all the Accolades that you will get for being THAT Rock Star that made it happen.
No worries you don’t have to tell anybody that you read this post.. all you have to do is enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Now I’ve taught this before and the issue became coming up with the funds to pay off the layaway without going into debt. I’m a big believer that if you have to go into debt to make Christmas fabulous, then your priorities are OFF!! Yes.. I said it, and if you have a problem with it feel free to leave a comment below… you have a right to feel how you feel..
Yet understand that you have options.. and they are not to either go into debt or not do gifts. Most don’t think about the what would happen if you could earn every single dollar you needed to pay off the Walmart layaway by simply following a simply 3 step system. Remember I told you that it’s possible to get paid while you are shopping.. well, here is how. Simply Click Here Or Simply Click The Present Below!
Keep Smiling,