Blog Sites That Make Money Are Everywhere
There are many blog sites that make money.
Yet that is based on the fact that there are so many blogs out there.
The reality is that only about 14% of blogs create an income.. now 14% of millions is a lot!
Notice that the average annual earnings from blogging is $24,086. Now let’s not trip.. that is more then MANY bring home annually. Yet was not quite what I was going for when I started this journey of figuring out how to create a blog to make money.
Yet it’s almost like the best kept secret as to how to make money blogging.
Back in the day when blogs first started popping up on the scene.. they were incredibly technical.. Those that could figure it out started an entirely new way of communicating to the market place.
I’ll never forget when I first started blogging..
My first blog site was Blogger which is owned by Google.. this blog is still ranking on the first page of Google under “The OnLine Marketing Angel“.
It even looks kind of … hmmmm.. how can I put this.. “Old School”.. lol.
See back in 2008 I had to learn all kinds of things.. yet one thing really sticks out to me. As blogger was pretty much the best way to start back then. It is a free blogging site, which at the time exactly what I needed to start. I would wake up every day excited about what I was going to learn and implement into my blog. I remained excited until the day I decided to add a little code to my site. I simply wanted to place an image that one could click and it would take them to another place on the internet.
My first stop was YouTube. Searching for this technique of making a clickable link. Now today you would probably laugh at me.. as things aren’t nearly as complicated..
It amazes me when some one joins my blog sites and pay’s $7 for the risk free trial to discover how to not only make money blogging yet gets a blog with it, comes to me and complains because they actually have to do something. I mean I had to do more then get ready to blog, blog sites and go.. NO NO NO.. I had to set that baby up.. I had to feed that baby.. I had to scream and yell and freak out about once every other day..
Back to when I knew decided to adventure outside of my box. I watched about 6 different videos, and believed that I knew enough to get it done. I went back to my blogger site and started to implement.. and then all of a sudden I clicked something and all my images from my site were gone! YES GONE!! I can’t tell you what I did, I didn’t know what happened.. All I knew is I must have messed up along the way.
I would love to sit here and tell you I stayed calm and attacked the issue and solved it immediately. Yet that would be a lie!! smile.
I screamed, cried a little, told my daughter to stay out of the office and I stayed up that night until 5am and FIXED IT!! That’s right.. I didn’t give up.. I fixed it.. and with all that time I had put into my blog I still was unable to make money..
Why The Blog Sites You Choose Effect Your Income
I learned really quick that I deserve to own my land on the internet.
I realized that if I was going to put in this kind of time.. Then I should spend that time positioning myself to make money.
So it was at that moment that I invested in my personal blog website on the World Wide Web! My first piece of land is still occupied by me today.. .
It looks way different today then it did back then.. This header below was my first real investment into my brand.
Now understand even with this site.. I still had to build up lots of authority in order to rank organically (FREE) in the search engines. And Now I have to get real with you.. as even though I’ve made over $50K in the last 2 years blogging.. I’ve been blogging for 6 years, so you do the math. So let me just tell you this..and you can take it or leave it.
If you are not willing to accept responsibility for your consistency in blogging.. then the blog sites you choose will not matter.. as if you are not going to blog consistently you might as well forget it.
Yet there is some sunshine to this.. no one said YOU had to do the blogging, you can totally outsource that.. just make sure you make a blog and place it on your blog sites consistently.
The blog sites you choose MATTER.. they matter big.. As the more authority you can gain from a powerful site the better off you will find yourself. And the faster you will reach an income level. Yet there is more to it then just the blog sites. It also depends on the products you are bringing to the market place as well as the proposed funnel you bring a prospect through once they take action on your blog.
So let’s go over this again.. so you have all the successful keys to blog sites that will make money!
The main reason most do not succeed in blogging is because they thing it’s all about blogging, people love what I say.. and they just throw money at me.. Ummmmm NO.. that’s not how this works.
See the process below.. and remember when you snatch your FREE blogging training below you will have access to ask many any questions that you may have.
Ok let’s break this down.
Process To Making Money Blogging:
- Know Your Target Market
- Have A Product That Solves A Problem Of That Target Market
- Blog About The Problems/Solutions/Interest of That Target Market
- Offer Something FREE To The Target Market (Capture The Prospect)
- Place The Offer In Front Of The Target Market (Product for sale)
- If Prospect Does Not Take Action, The Proposed Funnel Will Sale Them On Other Paid Items That Fit That Target Market.
- Wash And Repeat So That You Have Around 40 Prospects Flowing Through Your Proposed Funnel Daily.
WAIT.. Shalonda, are you telling me I have to do all of this.. how do I set this up..
Exactly you feel like I just opened up a whole new can of worms for you to dig through.
By now you should know me better then that.. yet that is how I felt when I discovered this information from several different sources and put it together.
I simply decided I must offer a product where the proposed funnel is part of the process, that way I do not have to set it up myself.
At this point in my blogging career I have set up a few. Yet I’m a big believer in surrounding myself with amazing people where I can leverage their strengths.
Welcome..I’m here for you to leverage. Go ahead leverage my strengths.. it does not bother me at all.
In order to really get a larger view of how all this works.. simply Click Here and invest $7 risk free and see for yourself. I will coach you through the process, unless you figure it’s too much.. which might just happen.. it takes GUTS to do this thing.. I’m not even going to lie to you.. yet I’ll say the life of a stay at home single mom is WAY better for me then working my butt off and giving my kids craziness cuz I’m tired. Now that may not be your situation.. you know why you want more.. Click Here and get started.
Excellent breakdown on the history and the real deal on what it takes to make money blogging. It’s a long term strategy so you have to be consistent…but just like building a home is a process, the manifestation of it is worth it in the end. Great post Shalonda!!!
Exactly.. and definitely worth every second.. thanks so much.. glad you enjoyed it.. plus I see you taking action every day.. literally.. awesome to have the confirmation.. keep smiling
not that simple to find a blog that will make you money (especially back then), yet this is ‘doable’ by anybody who will stick at it, thanks for this enlightening post Shalonda!
Yes Jennifer, we have it GREAT these days! keep smiling
Very cool post, Shalonda! Congrats on your success with blogging and online business!
Thanks Bennie.. appreciate you for stopping by..keep smiling
Yeah, I had to figure it out the hard way too. I remember back in 2011 spending my first 6 months going through tutorials just to learn how to set the darn thing up. After stumbling I finally figured out how to set up my own blog foundation, but then found out it doesn’t have authority. Most free sites have authority already, but almost ALL of them specifically say you can’t market and make money using them. That service you are offering seems to be set up specifically to help people make money, awesome!!!
See Brian.. that is why you are a BEAST when it comes to blogging.. you actually put in the time! See I believe anyone can have success quick..yet it all depends on how fast they are willing to learn a few things.. thanks so much for stopping through.. keep smiling
Absolutely love this!
Thanks Bruce.. keep smiling
Hi Shalonda.
First of all, well done!
Also, thanks for breaking down your experience into the small steps that are needed to progress.
Thanks so much Nathan, I appreciate you stopping through.. Keep smiling