How To Make Money With Your Passion!
First Step To Make Money With Your Passion
Many of you may find this step really obvious, yet you will be surprised how many people have no idea what they are passionate about.
First step to make money with your passion is that you must know your passion.
When was the last time you asked yourself,
“What Is My Passion?”
As you sit there with this question floating through your mind.. all these different things come up.
See some are dreams that you have longed sat down because you never thought they would come to pass.
Some are passions that you had in your youth prior to allowing rejection and disappointment fog your belief.
Then there are those passions that are luke warm, you know the ones that ‘you guess’ you would enjoy.
Yet all you have to do is really ask your self a few question to pin down your passion.
The passion that is attached to who you are today.
Here are a few questions to get your started on the journey to make money with your passion.
A journal or pad of paper is recommend as you want to take notes.
- If money was not an issue what would I do all day?
- If money was not an issue who would I spend my day helping?
- If money were not an issue I would wake up every day wanting to ____________________!
Next Step To Make Money With Your Passion, Warning: May require You to step outside the box!
In order to make money with your passion you must be willing to do what most others are not willing to do.
See there are many ways to turn something you love into money.
It simply requires you to step outside of the box.
Truth be told there are days when you have to simply just kick the box to the curb and take flight into the unknown.
See I was one of those people that really didn’t know my passion.
When I first became a single mom, I had no desire at all to shout it out from the roof tops.
No! I tried to keep it to myself.
Was I shame? A little.
Was I hurt? Yes, actually my heart was all messed up.
Truth is the only one I loved was my daughter.
The first time a word was spoken over me about ministering and helping Single Moms, my oldest was 2 years old.
My response was… “Ummmm NO!”
You know that saying that God laughs at our plans.. ROFL.
So now 11 years later..
I could not imagine not helping single moms.
I have a passion for it.
Yet I had to find the correct avenue that would allow me to help single moms and create an income at the same time.
Took me a few years.. yet I found it.
Funny thing is honestly this avenue works for MANY different passions!
Make Money With Your Passion By Blogging
Ok.. Shalonda is there more to it then just blogging??
Well… Yes actually there is, at least the way I do it.
Yet let’s be honest, everything you have done in your life you had to do a first time.
You had to learn how to do it.
Kind of like when you learned how to drive a car (I’m hoping you are old enough to drive.. wink).
At first it was like you had to remember every thing from the blinkers to the brakes..and if you were like me and learned how to drive on a manual.. you had to learn to remember the clutch when you changed the gears.. you had to really focus.. then you did it over and over and over again.. and can drive a car without even really putting much thought to it.
Well, that is how it is with blogging for income.
You will learn a few things.. do them over and over and over again, and pow you will be making money in your sleep.
I actually have a few secrets that I add in order to make the process come together faster.
Yet imagine spending a few hours a day writing about what you LOVE! And then being able to help others do the same.
It simply gets no better!
Steps To Blogging Your Passion:
- Click Here And Pick Up Your “ready to go” Blog!
- Comment On This Post With Your Passion (scroll down to comment)
- Check your email for your first training!
- Smile, and share it! (I just added this one..cuz I like smiling)
Make money with your passion!
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