What Makes Money?? I remember when .. I didn’t know..
What makes money???
See many of you wonder.. Shalonda.. what exactly is your story??
I mean I know you’re a single mom of 2 today.. with 2 baby daddies.. yet really how did you change.. cuz change ain’t easy!!
It can hurt…
It can make you feel out of place…
It can make you feel straight crazy!!
Yet you know what.. that’s ok.. it simply tells you.. that you were meant for something different… something better!!
See these two pictures are full of love and smiles.. innocent.. or maybe not so innocent girls simply loving every moment of life.
We did what we wanted to do when we wanted to do it!
We enjoyed every second.
Sacrifice was not something we experienced.
We simply loved doing exactly what we wanted..
Did we regret it???
I believe if you ask any of us the answer would be NO!!
We had the times of our lives.. I was in 10th grade in the red, and in 8th grade in the white and gray.
If you can’t tell who I am.. well get some glasses like me.. *hint*.. lol.
The future was in front of us.. and it was ours for the taking.
I could tell you where each of the ladies in these pictures is today.. yet I believe that is their story to tell.. So I will simply tell you about me.
At this moment in time..
I had no idea what the change that makes money would be in my life, as it is different for each person.
It depends a lot on how we were raised.
The Change That Makes Money Becomes Clearer Over The Years!
Yet, let me be completely honest.. once I realized the change that makes money, it doesn’t mean I ran into change mode!!
NO, actually I tried every detour I could locate.
Well the change that makes money simply seemed like something I really was not willing to do at that time.
See most people thing that changes that make money are all about technique.
Well, I’m here to tell you that frame of thought couldn’t be further from the truth.
The change that makes money is more internal.
It’s more about your mindset, about your character. Here is another picture of a few of my friends.. it was a few years ago.. yet we’ve known each other since we were like 12 years old.. lol..
Every Change Is Worth It When It Makes Money And Brings Indescribable Joy!
After a life of many smiles.. many tears.. many changes.. many sacrifices.. and many New understandings..
There comes that moment when you can not take your past experiences for granted.
Are they always bad?
They were awesome, yet some didn’t always end so well.
For me, I personally have two lovely girls yet I still live a single life.
Do I credit that from making poor decisions in my past?
That is a hard one to answer, because honestly if I was placed in the same situation again, knowing that it would end up like this..
I would do it exactly the same way!
Yet I live in the now!!
I live for a better tomorrow, and I made my decisions based on who I am.. no apologies, no regrets.
Only Joy.. See today.. I’m a stay at home single mom!
Yes single.. yet I love my life..
I love me..
and I love those around me.
I’ve been in relationships where I felt like crap and didn’t have any joy!!
So I rather stand where I am now..
The pictures below show what the sacrifices have lead to… me speaking in on a major radio station in Atlanta about being a single mom.. crazy fun.. smiling
To me traveling all over the US to events with business partners that live a truth like me..
To speaking to a room of around 1500 people on how change makes money when you add blogging and the way I did it!!
When I tell you I would have never imagined my life would be what it is today!
Yet you are thinking Shalonda why write this now!
Well, I had another experience today.. where I had to give up something that I honestly WANT!
Yet, experience shows me that there are certain things simply not meant for me!
And I have to be okay with that.
See through all this change I’ve realized one very important thing!!
I’m grateful, and I’m okay with where I am.. and I also know that the best is yet to come!!
I’m writing this NOW!!
Because someone needs to know that no matter what it seems like you are giving up.. there is so much more for you!!
And honestly it may feel like you are giving something up..
Yet if it is meant for you..
It will still be there when the time is right, so never feel like you are giving something up.. you are only making room for it to be better when the time comes!!
You are so easy to love, so Keep Smiling
Shalonda Gordon
This song helps remind me.. maybe it will help you as well.. keep smiling
In order to lock arms with me.. Click Here and you won’t have to go through the change that makes money alone!
P.S. Place your name and email below and get a front row seat to that moment when I spoke to over 1500 people about my story.. trust me.. it’s not what you think!(wink)
what a beautiful written post Shalonda about the changes that need to take place, as a single mom of two like you, it gave me shivers…and yes, if had to start all over, i’d probably do the same again! 🙂
Thanks Jennifer.. I so appreciate your words.. they help me to keep smiling
Shalonda, this gave me chills! As a fellow single mom, I can relate. Yes, we give up a lot, but in the end it’s worth it. It definitely gets rough at times, but when I think about my teen age son, or look in his eyes, or hear his voice, I say to myself… keep going. Don’t give up. It will be all worth every minute in the end. Thanks for sharing… you inspire me.
Awe.. Simone.. you inspire me as well.. thank you so much.. keep smiling