Your personal vision statement is your map to greatness. There are moments in time when you have the opportunity to sit with greatness.. You may not even realize it at first. Then you begin to communicate and the more you hear the more you know that greatness is in your mist.
How many times have you started creating your personal vision statement just to leave it in the dust a week later. You go back to the habits of your grind and look up 8 months later wondering where the time went.. and realizing that you do not have exactly what your vision stated that you would have.
I knew Amyra Mondon was big on Vision when she graciously accepted my interview with her.. yet I had not idea that she would speak LIFE back into me.
Let me just take a moment to be completely transparent with you. See my vision statement was… let’s just say incomplete.
See I had a vision to become a stay at home mom.. making enough income online to provide for my family.. The vision was clear in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012..and then POW.. January of 2013 I became a stay at home mom. At that time I just kept going.. I didn’t reevaluate my vision and things did not go the way I would have liked.. to say the least.. About 8 months ago I realized that something had to change.. and quickly!
Instead of manifesting my vision.. I was manifesting my worst fears.
I shifted a few things around in my business which required that I take what I’ve learned over the years and GRIND IT OUT!! See sometimes we have success and reach goals.. just to have to start again with the knowledge we learned while reaching for past goals.
Why I Interviewed Amyra Mondon On Vision
Many know Amyra Mondon IsaBody Challenge 2014 Winner.. yet I know her way before that.. We actually went to the University of Georgia together. When we met we weren’t even of legal age to buy a glass of wine. Life was this playground and we were constantly playing. Over the years we lost touch yet reconnected about 4 years ago online. When we talked I knew that she would offer great examples of vision statements. When a lady has this type of transition.. (see image below)
It’s obvious that Amyra Mondon knows what vision is and how to make it a reality. She actually won $25,000 for taking the first place in the IsaBody Challenge. Talk about making a vision into a reality.
Not only did she transform her body.. yet she transformed her life.. all by incorporating the unauthorized steps that she mentions in the interview.
The Blab Interview The Will Literally Change Your Life If You Implement The Steps Given
Most of the time it’s best to see a person with blab live streaming, because it gives you the opportunity to see how they are live.. practically in person.
After this interview I actually received LIFE.. See there are activities to free your mind that we simply do not learn in school. Most of us didn’t learn these skills from our parents because they never learned the skills either. Yet you now have an opportunity to actually dig deep inside of your subconscious mind and pull out the truth that you are meant to live.
Regardless of what you life looks like, or the circumstances that you are experiencing right now, you have the power to change everything that you do not like about your life. You have the power to enhance the things you do like about your life. You have the power to live your best life.. and become the best YOU that you can become.
I believe in you! And I’m here to help you find many reasons to keep smiling!
Take Away
Make sure to get really clear on what you want.
Prepare to become very comfortable with who you are from the inside out.
Stay Clear!!
Implement the “Innercise” Activities into your life and leave a comment below telling about how your life transitioned.
See my last blab interview with Reginald Stinson and discover how to grow your business during the holiday
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