The Equalizer Will Take You On A Journey If You Let It!
“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare they are difficult. ~Seneca
So today I decided to head out to the movies to see Denzel Washington in The Equalizer.
I’d seen all the previews.. thinking to myself.. this baby must be an action packed enjoyment of my Friday morning.
Now first let me just tell you.. if you haven’t seen the movie yet… Keep reading.. this is perfect for you.. yet let me tell you.
If you want to know what happens in this movie.. you better ask somebody else. I treat others the way I like to be treated.. and I hate it when people tell me parts of movies I have yet to see.. smile.
Yet there is this one thing..
This thing.. that I simply couldn’t let go without pointing it out.
Lean in.. come on now.. don’t be shy.. come in closer to your screen..
The Equalizer is about to get really interesting to you. If you are reading this to decide rather to go see it or not.. then you are absolutely in the right place..
You are about to learn something.. in about 2 minutes..
The Equalizer Movie Will Cause You To Reflect On Yourself
I don’t know about you.. yet when I watch movies I like to pull something that I can relate to my life.
Something that when I leave the movie.. I can say to myself.. “Shalonda.. it’s just a movie.. yet take ______ from it”
And honestly The Equalizer came with a few mind-blowing truths that I had to accept.
Yet before I get into those truths.. I have to give you a little background..
No worries.. I’m not going to tell the movie..
I remember a time in my life when I was fearless.. I honestly felt like I was invisible. It wasn’t until I few weeks ago did I realize that my mind had changed on this reality.
See a friend of mines invited me out to see the Atlanta Falcons at the Georgia Dome. We had amazing seats, they were in section 137 and row 14. Talk about CLUTCH!!
As the game was on a Thursday night I knew driving into the city was going to be CRAZY.. so I decided to ride the Marta, the public train system. Now.. before I go further, just know that I’m not saying anything negative about public transportation.. so please don’t get off track.. stay focused on what I’m telling you..
So as I’m thinking it through.. I decide I would really rather drive.. yet parking on a game night is from $25-$60. And I was not paying that..yet I felt some kind of way about not having my car. Stay with me it’s all going to come together with The Equalizer in just a second.
I called my dad and asked him what he thought, as he is a season ticket holder. He told me to ride the Marta. Well, as I’ve gotten older.. I’ve accepted that “Daddy knows best”. So I told him.. I had not rode the public transportation downtown in so long.. I felt a little nervous about the journey. He said.. “Stay alert.. you’ll be alright”
Then I told him.. Yeah.. I’ll be fine!
See the last time I rode the train to the Georgia Dome was before I had kids.. It was March 27, 1998 and The Bulls were playing The Hawks at the Georgia Dome.. Phillips Arena was being built. I know the date because it was the largest crowd in NBA history with 62,046 people in attendance. I didn’t notice.. as I had 1 ticket.. 3 rows back from the floor. Rodman fell on me trying to keep the ball in play.. I swear Jordan was looking right at me when he took his free throw shots.. Talk about a night for the record books!
I still remember to this day heading down there.. not a concern in the world.. not worried about anything… yet this time.. 16 years later.. single mom of two.. lots of experiences that told me anything can happen.. everything felt…. well different.
The Equalizer Showed Me A Reality That Exploded My Business Overnight…
The Equalizer movie trailer showed action.. yet I had no idea that I would discover that I’m still just as invisible as I ever was in my youth.
The fact that I didn’t know it.. well.. it was a problem. It was holding me back. I simply had allowed knowledge and experience to hinder my FEARLESS spirit.
There was a confidence in Denzel Washington’s character in this movie.. A “I don’t care what you think about me.. I will WIN” type confidence. It wasn’t a blind, arrogant confidence.
It was an “I know.. Like I know.. Like I know.. kind of confidence. Look I never watched the The Equalizer episodes.. yet this movie.. shook me out of place of not allowing myself to be WHO I AM!!
And the facts are I AM a successful business owner. I AM an AWESOME Mom. I AM AN Internet Marketer. I AM A Child of God!
- Check out The Equalizer and prepare to leave your fear in the movie theater and come out as the WARRIOR you are.
- Click Here to discover my favorite internet marketing trick that will make you FEARLESS!
- Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts
- Finally… Keep Smiling!
Keep Smiling,
Shalonda Gordon
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