Why is it that with all the ways to generate mlm leads online that so few actually are able to accomplish the task? Well from what I hear.. Network Marketing companies simply are not showing their distributors how to do it.
See they are pushing the more “traditional” way of building a business.. You know the 3 foot rule.. or inviting people over for the “secret” gathering.. or the super Saturday craze.. Yet when it comes to simply building a Home Based business from home.. there is nothing to teach.
The Lead Generation Truth Revealed
Show Me The Truth, The Facts Are Always Changing ~Bob Proctor
The truth is that there are many ways to generate mlm leads.. and that you do not have to do it off of the internet. Actually I would dare to say that it is 100% easier to do it online.. if you know what you are doing. Generating leads is both difficult and easy at the same time. It’s difficult if you do not know how to do it.. rather offline or online.. and it is easy and a skill that will work for you every day.. once you understand it.. rather offline or online.. Yet this article is about online lead generation.
After 15 years in the Network Marketing industry I had to discover a better way to grow my business.. As you can imagine.. my friends and family were fed up with all my “Business Adventures” and would no longer show up to my parties.. basically my list of mlm leads ran dry!
And I honestly didn’t like walking up to strangers at Walmart or the Mall asking them if they keep their business options open or if they have heard of Network Marketing.
So I went the best lead generation companies and purchased leads.. which were not any better.. I spent hours cold calling list of people just to hear 100 No’s and 5 maybes.. Some would say that my phone skill was to blame.. I would agree… yet I would also say that time is better spent when calling people who are at minimum.. interested in what you are sharing.
Then it came to coming online and wondering where all my leads were going when they clicked on my replicated website that my MLM Biz gave me.
Yet it didn’t stop there.. when I finally would get a sign up.. I didn’t have any way to duplicate my results.. as I couldn’t explain what I did that worked when I obtained the mlm leads.
Then I came across an article similar to the one you are reading right now and I paid close attention to the contents inside.. Suddenly I realized there was a better way.. and I now had the golden key to unlocking my success on the internet. See at the end of the day.. it doesn’t matter if you are part of one of the top Network Marketing Companies, you will have to understand how to generate leads.
18 Effortless Ways To Generate MLM Leads Online
1. FaceBook – There are several ways to generate leads on Facebook. From your wall, to chatting with your friends and prospects with the messaging feature, to Facebook Ads. All techniques work really well.. yet you must follow the rules set out by Facebook. I’ve generated up to 38 leads and 2 sign ups in one day from Facebook. Now you have to understand how to capture the lead in order to create the process of sign ups, yet Facebook is an amazing place to get started. Connect with me on Facebook and let’s get you started.
2. Twitter – One of my favorite social media platforms. When it first started blowing up.. I found it really fun to hang out there. With the Real Time news feed you are constantly seeing what is “trending” in the marketplace in order to determine the value you will bring. Over time Twitter has created a few rules on how you can market on their platform, yet they also provide an amazing paid Twitter Ads option as well. Connect with me on Twitter and let me know you came from this article and I will send you a Free Twitter Training.
3. Email Marketing– The follow up is crucial to your business.. rather offline or online. Your email marketing will expand your reach. Some platforms allow you to post your emails on social media, and new subscribers can join each time. Many have different views about emails.. yet I still believe in the saying.. “2 emails a day keeps the JOB away”.. if you simply watch Sears.. or JcPennys.. or Home Depot and Old Navy.. or any other store out there that you may shop at.. you will notice that they use this technique often.. If you want to hang with the Big Dogs.. you have to what the Big Dogs are doing.. or get left in the dust. Join my Email list by Clicking Here!
4. YouTube– Video marketing is one of the fastest and least expensive ways to generate MLM leads free. Now a days you can simply turn on the camera of your phone and record a quick video giving value to your niche market and load it to YouTube with a great description and your link to your lead capture page and POW.. you are in business.. You can literally do this technique over and over again. You can see videos of this nature on my Youtube Channel here.
5. Forums – There are forums all over the internet for different niches.. or for your target market. When you really want to discover where your market is hanging out online, and do not want to pay out money on paid advertising, then you want to start here. In forums you can discover the main problems that your target market is having and then you can turn around and supply the solution which you will give for an email address, which is now your lead.
6. LinkedIn – When it comes to reaching the professional market, you will want to hit LinkedIn. Yet remember the saying, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” ~Theodore Roosevelt. So make sure to actually reach out and get to know people before blasting your link everywhere. This platform is the perfect platform to incorporate #13 on this list. Valuable content is perfect on this platform and will generate many leads. Connect with me on LinkedIn here.
7. Free Stuff – Simply give stuff away! Yes I said it.. It can be a Free Ebook that you wrote.. or a Free Video that you filmed.. Or it can simply be access to a Free Trial.. You can literally generate leads and become a Network Marketing Pro from this one technique.. when used correctly.. Snatch my Free Report by Clicking Here for a better understanding of how to use this technique.
8. Podcast – Have a thing for audio.. then Podcast are the best option for you.. Keep in mind that you will want to remain consistent with this technique, at least until you have around 50 Podcast Episodes. Some invest lots of money in to this technique by purchasing microphones and software in order to really explode their brand. Yet keep in mind you can start RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE! And expand from there. Make sure to always give a clear call to action on every episode so that your audience knows how to connect with you and become a lead. Grant Cardone has one of my favorite podcast.. you can search for him on iTunes and see an idea of a successful podcast.
9. Cheat Sheet – Create a sheet that gives a few steps to solve a problem that your target market is having. Then give it to your market in exchange for an email address ( mlm leads). Cheat Sheets are fun because they create results. Once a person sees that your cheat sheet solved a problem.. guess where they will turn for more help? Yes.. YOU! Remember #1 FaceBook.. well here is Cheat Sheet for you on how to get started in advertising on Facebook. Click Here and enjoy your Cheat Sheet
10. Meet Up Groups – Another great way to generate leads… especially if you are really good in person.. See some people really do not want to come on to the internet, because they are amazing in person. Well if that is you.. then Meet Up Groups are an amazing place to start.
11. Blogging – One of the all time best ways to generate ongoing leads. Leads that never stop coming in. I’m going to say that if you do not have a blog, that you are not serious about generating leads online. I know you are thinking.. that is a pretty strong statement to make Shalonda.. and I will say.. “I stand by it 150%”. You are reading this article on my blog right now. I literally pull a minimum of 10 leads per day from this site. On my best day I pulled 33 leads in one day off this one site. Now keep in mind that I’m giving you 18 different ways to pull leads off the internet.. so imagine if you only took 2 and maximized them. You will then find yourself pulling 30-60 leads a day. That is 30-60 new people to help with your Network Marketing business every single day. Let me ask you.. if you had 30-60 new people to introduce to your business every day would your business look a little different?
12. Banners – Another quick way to generate leads. Banners can become pricey yet you can also get them at a very low cost. You can even talk to some people that you know with websites and ask them if you can place a banner on their site. They may charge you.. they may not. Prior to paying for banner space you want to make sure that your banner is converting to leads, and that your funnel is converting to sign ups. I teach all of that in my training center for those who are serious. You can Click Here for your 7 day Boot Camp to get started.
13.Article Marketing – If you love to write, then article marketing is a great way to generate leads. I have friends who pull 40-80 Network Marketing leads a day from articles they have printed on the internet. The best thing about Article Marketing and is similar to blogging is that the work you do today will still work for you day after day after day. It is like leveraging yourself. When you write an article that supplies great value to your market place, you will find that lead generation becomes a breeze.. as your readers will want MORE from you.
14. Periscope – Is a live stream app for any smart phone. It spins off of Twitter, so you must have a Twitter account to use it. Yet you can literally go live at any minute in order to share value with your market place. For example lets say you are at a Tuesday night presentation.. and 3 of your guest tell you they can’t make it. You can ask them if they can get on their phones and watch you on Periscope at that time.. they say yes.. and you go live on Periscope while the presentation is being presented.. POW.. you follow up and close the deal.
15. Blab – Is another live stream platform that spins off of Twitter as well.. yet you can actually use this one from the computer, as well as the phone app, and it allows for up to 4 host. I really have enjoyed Blab and actually expanded my reach in the market place because of it. Remember to have a clear call to action and make sure you are giving the market the information that they are asking for. My last Blab was with 7 Figure Earner Reginald Stinson… you can see it by clicking here.
16. Google+– Google+ is Google’s social platform.. and creates amazing reach for your market. With 120,000,000 unique visitors a month you can figure that there is a chance that your target market is hanging out there some of the time. When your lead generation starts to pick up you will better be able to understand the type of individuals that are hanging out there.
17. Solo Ads – Is a paid technique where you pretty much send your offer to another persons email list. This technique can range from $15- $10,000.. It all depends on your market and how many emails you want sent out. The reality in this case is that your email copy must convert and that you must have your funnel set up to follow up and build relationship with the leads. This process works when you want to test a capture page to see how it converts.. or if you simply want lots of leads in a short period of time. Some marketers only use this technique and have amazing success.. yet they will tell you.. that they invest into their business on a monthly basis.
18. Pay Per Click – Exactly what it says.. this is a technique where you pay when people click on your ad. If you do a google search you will see the ads on the right side of the screen, this is the pay per click section. Basically when you click on those ads a person/business is paying for that click. This technique use to be very fruitful when it came to generating MLM leads. Some still have great success with this technique. I listed it here because when you understand Pay Per Click you can better understand how to have lead generation in many different techniques.
Lead Generation Is The Key To Your Success
Decide on 2 of the techniques above and study them over and over again. There is more to generating leads on line then just knowing the different ways. Now that you understand how many ways there are to generate leads, make sure to check out my Free Report so that you can understand what pieces you will need in place prior to marketing on any platform. Once you have everything set up it will work for you over and over and over again.. You will literally not be able to stop the leads from coming in . Your business deserves MLM leads every day!!
Leave a comment if you found this lead generation information helpful and keep smiling!
Thank you so much for this helpful post! Learned a lot! Some of the best ways I help clients attract more leads is through several of the methods you outline here. Great job! The idea of a “cheat sheet” in exchange for an email or even a .pdf of “tips and tricks” can be very helpful. I think the best way to receive an email address is to provide something of genuine value in exchange for it and to have an idea of what stage in the buyer’s journey the person is in based on what post you place the offer in. That way, once you get the email, you can send the lead high-quality content that will help him or her and gently glide them toward purchasing your product or service. Again, great post! Keep it up!
Thanks Bob for stopping through.. I really appreciate it.. and I agree with you 100% when you offer valuable content to your market.. only great things happen.. keep smiling
I agree that YouTube is a great way to generate MLM leads. I think many people forget that it’s one of the most effective means of social media marketing. When people see a video, it often has more of an impact than text or even pictures.
Thanks for stopping through Elden.. I agree with 100%.. I believe YouTube is the easiest way to break out even still today.. keep smiling