It amazes me every single morning when I wake up and realize I make money online from home.
It wasn’t always like this..
It was so hot outside that I could barely take it.. maybe that was because I was pregnant with my second child.. who was due in a few weeks.. I have been blessed with the ability to become very round when 9 months pregnant.
Throughout my entire pregnancy I knew that I would have to find a way to increase my income. I was already a single mom of one child that I took care of 85% by myself… and now another child.. with a totally different father. I knew from the moment I found out that I was pregnant that I would have to take care of this child 100% on my own. I needed a way to make money online from home.
Now some start judging at this point.. and I don’t know.. maybe that is you.. yet before you judge.. let me tell you what happened that left me in this situation.
See it was August 2006 and I was hanging out with my Big Brother.. who is actually my step brother.. yet I couldn’t tell the difference.. we were close. He’s an electrician.. every electrical issue.. is not match for him.. One day we were talking about the futures.. and then 3 days later he was in a car accident that left him brain dead.. and 4 days after that they removed him off life support.
I’d lost my brother.. my homie.. my best friend.. and honestly I fell completely apart.
My mom would watch my oldest daughter as I barely survived each day.. I smoked a lot of weed and would drink a lot of beverages… back then tequila and vodka were my drink of choice… yet nothing could make the pain go away..
See prior to my brother getting in the car accident.. I was a faithful servant of Christ.. Very active in the church. I still remember going into my brother’s hospital room with my Bible and praying over him in tongues.. (Yes I pray in a different tongue.. I may talk more about that later). My faith was set on him surviving.. no where in my mind could I comprehend that God would not save him.. HERE ON EARTH!
The day that they took DeWayne off of life support I had friends calling asking how he was doing.. I was confused.. they were like.. “when I talked to you last.. you said but GOD.. so I figured he was getting better.”
I turned my back on God and went back to living a life without Him. Which was pretty difficult considering the fact that now I knew exactly what life with Him was like. Yet I can be stubborn at times..
While I was running from my pain I met a guy.. and basically did things that make babies.. and POW!!
God gave me LIFE instead of DEATH.. because honestly the way I was living he could have given me either.
See I was broken.. I was hurt.. I was lost.. and most of all.. I had lost all FAITH.
Then I found myself with life growing inside of me. I tell ya if you really want to see Faith spring back up in your heart.. consider the fact that a lady like me can create life inside of my body.. I know.. I know.. at that moment I made a decision.. that no matter what.. I would not let this child down..
When My Desire To Make Money Online From Home Became Possible
So now you know why I became pregnant while I was already a single mom.. so judge if you must.. yet remember until you are willing to walk in a persons shoes… you shouldn’t judge. Either way.. I found myself in a situation where I needed a raise. And with two kids it didn’t make since to look for the increase outside of the home.. as I would have a new born very soon.
One thing I knew was that Network Marketing was the best way to create an income and build something that would lead to true freedom at the same time. I joined my first Network Marketing company at the age of 19. I had made a few dollars.. yet had invested way more then I made.
I convinced myself that I simply wasn’t ‘hungry’ enough.
Today is a new day!
Failure is not an option I can play with any longer.
So I joined another Network Marketing company expecting it to be different this time. Yet I simply forgot that I had to attend all these meetings and home parties.
Something I hated the first time I did Network Marketing. It wasn’t as much the meetings and parties.. as much as getting people to them. I mean I simply didn’t know that many people.. and I worked a job where I wasn’t around a lot of people either. Because I’m a single mom.. I do not really like inviting lots of people to my house because I do not see it as safe.
It took me a year to realize that I could actually set things up so that I could make money online from home. The idea of completing make money online surveys didn’t appear to be very fruitful. and every situation I found from make money from home for free just didn’t result in any kind of success.
I’m an entrepreneur at my core and have been all my life. So I knew that I wasn’t looking for another job. I wanted something that would grow FOR ME every hour I put into it. See I wanted something I could leave my girls when I left this earth. I couldn’t pass on a job… yet I can pass on a business that they can either grow.. or sale.
What I discovered as I ventured onto the internet was an overflow of information.. some made sense yet most of it did not. I was learning an entirely new way to make money. I searched many ways to earn money at home. And most came back to Network Marketing.. which is also known as the Home Based Business industry.
Make Money Online From Home With This Technique
Joining a Network Marketing company is not the last step.. it is the FIRST. Then things begin to get really interesting.. simply because after taking that first step of joining.. not one person could tell me how to do it from home. It was all about meetings and parties.. and honestly between you and I.. I’m a single mom with active kids.. and hanging out in hotel rooms and traveling to peoples homes to throw parties simply would not work unless I could add about another 5 hours in every day.
There is another way.. and I had to search HIGH and LOW to find it.. For some odd reason those that know.. simply do not want to share and those that don’t know.. simply don’t know what they don’t know..
I made a decision to change the tide.. I found out that there are 3 things I have done over and over in order to have success in my Network Marketing business.
I was one of those that didn’t know what I didn’t know.. and I’m not ashamed to say it. I will say that the minute I realized what I didn’t know..
I didn’t argue about it..
I didn’t try to tell a successful person that my broke tail knew more then them..
I didn’t try to debate the facts..
All I did was shut up and listen..
Have you ever left a conversation with a person that had what you wanted.. and realized that you should of listened more and talked less?
Oh.. I’ve been there several times.. yet once I realized that I simply was running out of time to play around.. everything changed.
There was a shift in how my mind worked.
I discovered 3 things I had to do.. No Matter what!
I explained them in this video below
As a single mom that is building a Network Marketing business everyday as the way to make money online from home I believe that I can speak to how and why any and every single parent should consider building a home based business at home.
The reality is that not everyone is going to be willing to share with you what it takes to have true success in your business. Not because they do not want you to have success, yet because they do not know how to do it themselves.
The main reason I am having the success that I am is because of this site you are reading right now. It’s my land on the internet.
I’ve spent years building this spot up to where you can actually locate it via the search engines.. anybody who makes it seem like you can build your Network Marketing business with a blog in 5 minutes is not telling you the truth.
Yet I will say if you do not have your own space on the internet in order to share your favorite products that you sell in your Network Marketing business then you are missing a very large part of your marketing online.
Considering the fact that if you send everyone to your replicated website.. the company you work for then owns that lead, not you!
In order to avoid your company taking over your leads or shall we say future prospects, you deserve to have your own site. The best way to set up a site that will rise in the search engines swiftly is to use a viral blogging system. Basically this is a system where you have a already set up blog that comes with authority.. or search engine juice. You can see an example of one of mines by Clicking Here.
Once I started blogging for my Network Marketing business everything changed… I still remember that moment when I said.. “I will do this NO MATTER WHAT!”…
Because of blogging I spoke on stage at my company event..
Because of blogging I was able to work full time in my business when I was laid off December 31, 2012.
Because of blogging I’m able to live a life that I really never thought possible.
Many people find out that I’m a single mom and start making assumptions about who and what I am…
The there is the select few that says.. “Hey.. if she can do it.. so can I” and they lock arms with me and begin to see the success that only comes when you connect with the right people at the right time.
I do not know what you are looking for in your life.
I do not know if you are ready to say.. “I will do this no matter what?”
What I do know is that when you start your blog today.. things WILL change.
I have two options for you..
You can Click Here and take the $9 Trial or you can Click Here and take the $9 Trial!
When it comes to building your network marketing business in a way that last.. the internet is the most secure way.
As you begin your blog and connect with a mentor that knows the exact steps to have success you will enjoy the life of making money online from home in no time.
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