“Not only are bloggers suckers for the remarkable, so are the people who read blogs.” ~Seth Godin
Top Bloggers Know Things..
It always amazes me how cookie cutter society has become..
I mean we want everything fast and in a hurry..
We see something that “looks” easy and we decide.. ohhh I’m going to do that..
Or better yet someone tells us it will be easy.. we buy into it.. and depend on that person to take us all the way to victory.
I’m not judging.. if what I’ve just said makes you feel some kind of way.. don’t get mad at me… just read on..
See I’m not judging because I’d be crazy to do that.. It would be like judging myself.. smile.
See I remember when I started blogging because I “thought” it would be simple. And at first it was very simple..
It just didn’t make me any money.
My oldest daughter laughs at me because I have this saying..
See she believes that I literally have eye balls in the back of my head.. or that I’m psychic.. WHY?
Because I know things.. just like top bloggers.
It reminds me of when I was younger.. see I come from a generation where my mother was not afraid to discipline me.
One day we were in the car driving somewhere.. I was old enough to sit in the front seat. She was going off about something.. I don’t even remember.
What I remember is that I was ‘thinking’ something.. and before I could even express myself.. I was being punished.. (I’ll leave it at that.. as I’m still living and have great love for my mother so obviously it wasn’t life threatening.. lol)
And that wasn’t the first time she responded before me.. It was like this lady could see the future.. used to drive me crazy.
As I became a mother.. the years went by.. I’d tell my daughter every time she asked me.. “How did you know??”
I would simply say.. “I know things!!”
Then it happened.. that moment that gave me goosebumps.. that moment when in the movies you would see a flashback of a moment when I was young.. and..
I’ll get back to that in a second..
Top Bloggers Realize A Few Things.. Due To Experience
Whenever you desire to have success doing anything.. especially something as popular as becoming a blogger. You must be willing to learn a few things.
If you think you are going to takeover with the bare minimum, you are fooling yourself.
Hey it’s okay to come into the game with that mentality.. I already told you I did. See when I started blogging it was for one reason and one reason only.
To generate leads for my Home Based Business. Yet I treated my business like a hobby. WHY? Well initially I joined expected to make a whole lot of money doing nothing. I was caught up in the idea that it’s the easiest thing..
Ok.. laugh at me if you want.. It never really crossed my mind that if it was so easy more people would have millions of dollars sitting around.. I don’t know what to tell you.. I just didn’t catch on until later.. lol..
Top bloggers know exactly how to stand out from the rest. The fact is that if I wanted to have success and not give up. I had to find out what the top bloggers knew that I didn’t.
So I started my research.. and POW. I’m going to share with you exactly what I found out. Now this is actually final part of a series. So make sure to get ALL the data.. You can see Part 1 here and Part 2 here.
Below is the final part of the data I collected in order to become one of the top bloggers on the internet. Trust me when I tell you.. there is plenty of room at the top.. so come on..
What Top Bloggers Know That Is Now At Your Finger Tips!
Ok.. so remember I could never figure out my mom “knew things”. And how my daughter kept asking me.. and really I just knew.. until that one day.. when my youngest daughter gave me this look!! When I tell you it was in her eyes.. I don’t even think she realized she did it.
I immediately ran and picked up my iphone.. I pressed “mom”.. the phone rang..
it rang again…
I hear.. “Hello”.. I say, “Mom”.. I know.. I know how you knew what I was thinking.. and how I know what my girls are thinking.. I explained the look in my daughter’s eyes.. and she fell out laughing.. She said.. yep.. that look would get you every time.
So watch your eyes.. lol.. I still haven’t told my daughters how.. “I know things”.. yet I did just tell you what Top Bloggers know. So you have no excuse.
1. Study the data from Part 1
2. Study the data from Part 2
3. Review Part 3 and take massive action!
4. Post a comment below about what shocked you about what Top Bloggers know.