I spent months speaking to unqualified prospects before deciding to create a survey. See at the beginning of your online marketing journey, you may become excited by the fact that you now have leads chasing you down.
The techniques that you decided to use online, are working!
You now have emails, names, phone numbers of people that you would not have reached had it not been for the internet.
I remember that moment well.. after years of struggling in business, because I could not locate my target market in my environment at that time.
You know.. they weren’t in my neighborhood that I live in. They may be in Walmart.. yet I’m not big on walking up on strangers and asking them about rather they keep their business options open.
Then there is the option to do “Big Game Advertising”.. yet I did not have that kind of capital.
So once the leads started flowing in.. excitement is all we usually experience.
Until you start to follow up with your leads and realize that many are not qualified to work with you.
Now it’s time to create a survey.
3 Tantalizing Reasons To Create A Survey
Reason 1: When you create a survey and present it to your list, you will be able to determine the actual target market that you are attracting. See sometimes we place content on the internet expecting a particular type of person to respond.
There are moments when you will find that you are attracting a market.. just not the market your thought you were initially working to connect to.
A survey will help you determine the type of prospects that different types of content are attracting.. as to give you data for future campaigns to your target market.
Reason 2: As you generate leads online you will want to determine who is serious about getting help. The individual leads on your list that desire to follow you to the next level, will take the time to complete the survey.
So the survey will help you to pull out those that deserve your time.
Reason 3: How many times have you spent time calling through leads, just to realize they didn’t have any money, or they simply were not serious about reaching their desired goals.. plus you did not have any information about them to use when it came time to give them the reason what you are offering will help them.. based on their own words.
Well the final reason gives you information about your prospect so that you know, prior to contacting them that they are ready to take action with you, and WHY they want to take action with you.
Now you actually have data to use when presenting your irresistible offer when connecting to your prospect.
How To Make A Survey With Aweber And Generate A Lead At The Same Time
I completed a training on how to build a survey using Aweber. Aweber is one of the best Auto-responders on the market. Not only does it capture your leads, yet it has the ability to create surveys as well. So basically you can now when a person completes the survey they then become a lead all at the same time.
Think about it this way.. lets say you have a blog and you want to create a work with me page. Yet you want to capture information about those that REALLY want to work with you. You can place the survey link to that page, directing those people to complete the survey. At that moment this person is not added to your list. AWESOME!
Watch the training below!
{If you are coming over from YouTube start the video at 6:30}
Now that you know how to make a survey it’s time to actually do it.
Aweber is such a popular tool, simply because the top internet marketers use it.. yet if you are not yet using it.. you can test it out for 30 days free at this special link that I created for you. Click Here
Your Next Steps:
1. Make a survey with Aweber!
2. Now that you understand why you have to create a survey and have made one, you can now share it all over your social media.. you do not have to only send it to your current leads.. because once the survey is completed the prospect will become a lead at the same time that you are obtaining the information.
3. If you found the information helpful and please comment below and share above!
4. If you enjoyed discovering how to make a survey, you will enjoy this post on 18 different ways to generate leads online.
For more information about building a list and marketing online grab your eBook and 24 hrs free online training Below!
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